More than two years ago, I set a course to write a weekly blog. I am so grateful  you’ve subscribed, and I enjoy getting to know you through your kind words and comments. THANK YOU!!

I imagine you looking into your computer screen while reading these blog posts, sometimes laughing, sometimes tearful, but always filled with awe because God loves you!

Mind if I share a secret? Here are two more reasons for each blog post:

  • God is our Encourager. I can’t fathom a time when we’ve had a greater need for Him and His words of encouragement. When we share His word, we encourage and build each other up in the faith. (Those are Paul’s precious words in 1 Thes. 5:11.)
  • My time with the Lord. Here’s a visual for each post … a brief glimpse at the person whose fingers hit the keyboard, heart-pounding, reveling in the presence of the Lord. Quiet and humbled before Almighty God—Him searching my heart, me chasing after Him like a thirsty beggar—then plunging deeper into that time where He takes captive every thought. Where He burns away my foolishness, examines every motive, and lightens my burdens. Where I come away knowing in my knower, if not for His loving kindness, His life-giving Word, His forgiveness where would I be?

Isaiah 40:12 tells us that God can measure the oceans in His hand! Do you know anyone else who can do that? He’s created the Heavens and the Earth. He’s named and placed the stars in the sky, and yet He knows the number of hairs on our heads! How awesome is our God!  🙂

Though we cannot comprehend all that God is, we get what David says in Psalm 113:5. “Who is like the Lord our God…”

David hit the nail on the head again when he penned these words:

When I consider your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars, which you have set in place, what is mankind that you are mindful of them, human beings that you care for them? (Psm. 8:3-4, NIV)

Today, let’s consider who God is! Let praises flow to him for the love He lavishes on each of us. Because that’s who He is!

Isn’t that reason enough to share His fame with others?

by author eMarie

To leave a comment, please click on the title above, “WHO IS LIKE HIM?” and scroll down. Thank you for subscribing to this website and for sharing it with friends. Please come back next week for more encouragement! God bless you!  🙂

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Valerie Cullers
2 years ago

He is every bit of that and more! Where would we be without Him? Thank you for reminding us who He is!

Sherry Shindelar
2 years ago

It’s so utterly amazing that the One who can hold the oceans in His hand and who placed the stars in the heavens, loves each of us and cares about us more deeply than we can imagine or deserve.!Thank you for this uplifting reminder.

Patti Shene
2 years ago

Amen and Amen! Great post, eMarie! Thank you for sharing!

Roberta Kautz
2 years ago

I love this post! I needed it today, and it hit the spiritual spot in my life. Thank you!

Kathy McKinsey
2 years ago

I find such encouragement in his word.

2 years ago

There is no other.

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