Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable–if anything is excellent or praiseworthy–think about such things.  Phil.4:8

God’s word is filled with encouragement, and this is one of my very favorites. This verse encourages us to “get out of a funk,” or our negative thinking, by plugging into thoughts that are excellent and worthy of praise.

Not too long ago, our pastor explained the acronym: THINK

T          Is it THOUGHTFUL
H         Is it HELPFUL or HONEST
N         Is it NECESSARY or NICE
K         Is it KIND

In an article I wrote for 1ChristianVoice (February 16, 2019), I added an S to THINK

S          SALT

In Colossians 4:6, Paul exhorts us to do this so that our conversations will always be full of grace and seasoned with salt.

When someone says something nice to you, doesn’t it put a spring in your step and lighten your heart? That’s the message behind THINKS! We can change our direction, the course of our day, or our mindset, and someone else’s, if we use the THINKS method. Imagine the impact we can have in our family, our friends, our community, our church, infinity!  🙂

In the above-mentioned article I adapted the old carpentry adage that says measure twice, cut once to: think twice, speak nice.

Today would be a good day to examine our words, the way we THINKS, and change our world – one encouraging word at a time.


By Amre Cortadino

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Patti Shene
4 years ago

Love this, Erma! We also presented this acronym at our church some months ago and it is definitely a good rule to keep in mind when interacting with others. The addition of the S – (salt and sugar!) makes it even richer advice. You are doing a great job with the blog!

Joy Avery Melville
4 years ago

Great post!
I do LOVE an encouraging word – esp these days with a LOT of stress in my writing life.
Thanks for this THINKS Post!

Cindy Mcgregor
Cindy Mcgregor
4 years ago

Always a very good reminder, so much damage is done with the tongue.
Thank you ? ?

4 years ago

Really enjoyed this blog–more like a devotional. Reminds me of SMART goals, only better.

4 years ago
Reply to  Dave

Darn right about that sugar! The Bible says we can catch more flies with honey than vinegar.

4 years ago

Beautiful and a great reminder!

4 years ago

Yes, I do need an encouraging word now and then.

Someone who critiqued Elijah once, never to return again, said in parting, “Most of your comments seem to come from those interested in complimenting you than correcting your problems.” I let her go without offering to explain why a spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down.

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