Have you ever felt like an outsider to a conversation? People chatter back and forth, you’re right there but somehow distanced from their discussion. You’re uncomfortable, yet not invisible.

Maybe you’ve had this experience: you shiver in the cold while someone’s every step seems wrapped in sunshine. Their road continues ever upward and, to be honest, so does their nose!

Whether these situations pertain to non-believers or fellow Christians, we miss any aid or compassion we might provide–snug, warm, and safe in our Christian Bubble.

If we’re honest, many times our first inclination seeks to judge, much like the priest and the Levite in the parable of the Good Samaritan. ‘They caused their own problems.’ ‘That happened to them because…’ ‘See? I knew they weren’t right with God.’ ‘They got what they deserved.’

So, let me ask, do our excuses or pat answers show the world who Jesus is? Are we too busy rejoicing, socializing in our small groups, enjoying every drop of good-for-me to notice a lost and dying world? As Christians, do we sometimes forget others need Jesus, those in and outside of our circle?

Ouch!! Yes, this Christian Bubble has my name written all over it! In that 75-80-degree sweet spot, while those brilliant golden rays shine down on me, where every cloud has a silver lining, my Christian-ese is second to none.

Is it possible we’re more concerned about appearances, about our comfortable, safe bubble, that we’ve forgotten our mission?

The mandate in Luke 10:27 still applies:
Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind’; and, ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.

Let’s burst the bubble!  Or at least, take steps to expand its walls. We can begin by asking the Lord to show us our neighbor. When He does (and He will), act on what He says. Then, get a bigger cup because blessings are about to overflow!

By Amre Cortadino

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Judy Chatfield
Judy Chatfield
3 years ago

Very well said and thought provoking. Shall we consider where Jesus walked? Definitely outside any bubble but into the world who needed to know Him personally.

3 years ago

Great post! Definitely gives me something to think about.

Deena Adams
Deena Adams
3 years ago

Thanks for your post of accountability. As a pastor’s wife, it’s so easy to stay surrounded by my Christian circle and not venture outside the four walls. I need this challenge on a refill basis.

Patricia M Gonzales
3 years ago

Hi Amre. Love the way you take scripture and apply it to our every day lives. Always food for thought. Thank you for sharing!

Roberta Kautz
3 years ago

Thank you for this post. On so many levels, I like my Christian Bubble – yet, I ache for those who need to know of God’s love.

Thank you for this reminder. I plan to move to the edges of the bubble and look for the mystery of how God works when we cooperate in sharing His love.

Valerie Cullers
3 years ago

So right, Amre! Living in the bubble is very comfortable but it is not connected to reality…at least the reality that the Lord wants us connected to! Love the post!

Mary Pat Johns
3 years ago

Ouch! Guilty as charged. Thanks so much for sharing. I needed to hear this.

Gwen Gage
3 years ago

This is a great and needed reminder, Erma. We love our comfort zones, but yes, we are called to step outside of it and listen to the guidance of the Holy Spirit. I love the t-shirt that says “I want to be the kind of woman who when my boots hit the floor in the morning the devil says, ‘Oh no, she’s up!'”

Kathy McKinsey
3 years ago

Yes. Let them see Jesus.

3 years ago

Way to disturb me, prophet Amre.
Burst my Christian bubble?
I like it.

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