Our world has changed significantly in the past few weeks. However, some things are true in any storm. Fear can overtake our common sense, but faith and prayer will see us through.

Our book club chose to read Ruth Graham’s wonderful book, Fear Not Tomorrow, God is Already There. I’m a fan! I am so thankful for her well-written, encouraging words of truth.  Funny how God brought this book into our lives “for such a time as this.”

While reading Ruth’s book, I listed all the storms Jesus calmed during His time on Earth and how they significantly changed the lives of those involved.

Consider the woman caught in adultery. In her day, adultery brought a storm of stones, but remember what happened to her? Jesus asked a simple question: who among you is without sin? Poof – the storm walked away with her accusers, and the woman was changed . . . her life completely altered by her Creator.

Jarius, a synagogue ruler, asked Jesus to calm a storm in his life. He needed Jesus to come heal his twelve-year-old daughter who was near death. Instead, on the way to Jarius’s house, another storm blew in.

A woman whose life was plagued by severe bleeding for twelve years believed if she touched Jesus, she’d be healed. Jesus stopped the procession to Jarius’s place and sought the person who had touched Him.

Didn’t He know who she was? Of course, He did! Maybe he drew her out from the crowd to acknowledge her existence and her faith. Since women were shunned and considered unclean during menstruation, we can speculate this woman couldn’t attend social gatherings for a dozen years. No doubt her friends were probably sick and tired of listening to her prolonged problem. When Jesus shone His spotlight on her, all that changed. Her faith and healing catapulted her into the public eye. Storm over.

In the meantime, Jarius’s storm escalated to a Category 5. His daughter died, but that didn’t deter his belief in Jesus. When Jesus entered the home, He dismissed the wailers and unbelievers, and raised the girl to life.

We’re experiencing a storm today – a nasty one – but stay tuned. Next week, during part two of Peace, Be Still, a short man will climb a tree and a squall will hit the Sea of Galilee. And Jesus will bring peace and hope into those storms, and ours too. Trust Him!

Jesus looked at them and said, “With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.” (Matt:19:26 NIV)

By Amre Cortadino

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Patti Shene
4 years ago

Thank you for these words of encouragement and this reminder of God’s presence and protection, Amre! May you and your family be blessed.

Gwendolyn Gage
4 years ago

What a great reminder of God’s power and authority over life’s storms! Thanks for this encouragement.

Mary Pat Johns
4 years ago

This may be a new kind of storm for us, but not for our Creator. Thanks for the reminder in this blog.

Judy watts
Judy watts
4 years ago

Thank you for these reminders ,
We’ve all weathered storms maybe not quite like this
But i know he is near
When i step away from the news and pray i feel his promise of always being near
And the kindness of people amongst the panic
Is comforting
God bless

4 years ago

“Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.” John 14:27

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