Since moving to the Boise, ID area, we’ve noticed more windy summer days than not. While we enjoy pleasant, consistent airflow indoors (thank God for air conditioning!), it’s amazing to watch birds navigate the blustery skies. But what about airplanes?

Sometime ago, I found this interesting article:

“During our tour of an aircraft carrier, a jet fighter pilot explained that planes need a 56-kilometer-per-hour wind to take off on such a short runway. To reach this steady breeze, the captain turns his ship into the wind. “’Shouldn’t the wind come from the plane’s back?’” I asked. The pilot answered, “’No. The jets must fly into the wind. That’s the only way to achieve lift.’”

“God called Joshua to lead His people into the “winds” that awaited them in the promised land. Joshua required two things. Internally, he needed to “be strong and very courageous” (Joshua 1:7); and externally, he needed challenges. This included the daily task of leading thousands of Israelites, facing walled cities (6:1–5), demoralizing defeats (7:3–5), Achan’s theft (vv. 16–26), and continual battles (chs. 10–11).

“The wind that blew in Joshua’s face would lift his life as long as his thrust came from God’s instructions. God said he must “be careful to obey all the law . . . do not turn from it to the right or to the left . . . meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful” (1:7–8).

“Are you resolved to follow God’s ways, no matter what? Then look for challenges. Fly boldly into the wind and see your spirit soar.”

I pray that you allow Jesus to be the wind beneath your wings. Whatever adventure He has for you and wherever He sends you, He’ll give you a lift.  🙂

Article written by Mike Wittmer*

Reposted by author eMarie)

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* Mike posted this article posted on FB 2/2022


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1 year ago

I needed this message today. Thank you! That’s all, just thank you!

1 year ago

Great post, Erma. I know it sounds crazy, but I lost my first home to a windstorm (a mobile home), and I still love the wind! Love to hear the way the house creaks in the wind, the way it blows rain against the windows, the whistle wind makes through the trees, the way it sends tumble weeds skittering down the road.

1 year ago

Scary, but true.:)

Valerie Cullers
1 year ago

Thanks for such encouragement. Although we have had some wind here in Boise, I mostly noticed the heat this summer!

1 year ago

Thank you for the much needed reminder. Face the wind and fly!

1 year ago

Thank you, Erma!
May you find wind beneath your wings today!

Colleen K Snyder
1 year ago

Lift only works for a jet if there is forward momentum to go with it. You can stand facing the wind all day, but if your feet don’t move, you’re not going anywhere. The same is true with God. We can know everything He says, believe everything, accept everything, But until we step out in faith…move down the runway with Him, we won’t accomplish the life He has for us. Joshua let the Lord lift Him AS he crossed the Jordan. AS he marched around Jericho. AS he fought the battles in the Promised Land. God WILL lift us. But we have to be willing to be lifted, to step forward, to move in accordance with His will. His part, our part. He can do it all without us, of course. But He calls us to participate with Him.

1 year ago

Thank you for the reminder that the difficulties and challenges we face can be to our benefit in the long run as God shapes us into the people He would have us be. He sees the big picture, even when we don’t.

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