We watched our grandson Ty play in a baseball tournament in Kennewick, WA last weekend. What a thrill!! His skills had improved by leaps and bounds since we  saw him play two years ago. In one game, he made two outs by catching pop flies  and assisted in two outs.

Though every game had lows and highs, the second one stands out in my mind. Let me set the field for you:

At the top of the 6th inning, the score favored the other team – 10-2. Our pitcher was tired, and the count showed it: 3 balls and 0 strikes. With bases loaded, the opposing team’s at bat player looked hungry. Tension grew and fans for both teams slid to the edge of their seats.

Then, our grandson’s coach did the unthinkable. He walked to the pitcher’s mound, placed a consoling hand on the pitcher’s shoulder, and called Ty out of the dugout.

My heart sank. I couldn’t help wonder, why this course correction now?

As our grandson strode to the mound, he held his head high. But knowing him as I do, he bore this Jose Conseco or Nolan Ryan-sized challenge on his shoulders. His warm-up inspired confidence, and even brought a smile to his lips.

But when the batter slammed the first pitch just inside the fence, the umpire called the game at 14-2.

We stalled at the car while the coach rallied the team, and then our son-in-law talked alone with his son. By the time we greeted Ty, though his tone ached with disappointment, he acknowledged he’d done the best he could.

Yet, I couldn’t help but wonder what might have happened had the coach switched pitchers sooner than later. Would it have changed the outcome of the game? Or would the end have come as swiftly, painfully as it had?

When I finally stopped wallowing in the woulda, coulda, shouldas of the game, the Lord gently pulled back the curtain, so to speak, and revealed His life application: before time runs out, He graciously motivates us to seek Him; to change direction; to listen to that still, small voice; to obey the Holy Spirit’s prompts and tugs; to turn to the One who is able to keep us from falling.

Our God never fails. He’s perfect, infallible. His timing is never early, late, or slow. He holds our times in His hands. And His urges, warnings lead to our good and His glory.

If you’ve sensed that something’s missing, that you’re on the wrong path, today is the right day to change course. Run into the Lord’s open arms, and ask Him to direct your life and lead you home.

11 “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. 12 Then you will call on me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you.” (Jerm. 29:11-12, NIV)

By Author eMarie

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Valerie Cullers
2 years ago

Absolutely! So many times I need to do a 180 and it makes a big difference! So glad the Lord allows Course Corrections!

Sherry Shindelar
Sherry Shindelar
2 years ago

Thank you! I really enjoyed your reminder to listen to His still, small voice. In the hustle and bustle of life, we too often tune out the voice that matters most.

2 years ago

Send me in, Coach!
Um, well, sorry ’bout that.
Maybe next time, huh?

2 years ago

Love it brought back a lot of memories. From playing to coaching.

Becky Van Vleet
2 years ago

So glad you could attend Ty’s game and support him with your presence. I love the word picture of running into the Lord’s open arms. That’s always the best run!

Kathy McKinsey
2 years ago

Oh yes. And what fun to watch your grandson’s game.:)

Roberta Kautz
2 years ago

Powerful message beautifully written. It was what I needed today. Thank you!

2 years ago

❤️ Beautiful, poignant and full of truth. Thanks for this!

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